Top 5 Best Free Firewall Software for Windows.

1. Zone Alarm Free Firewall

There has been a new offer added to FreebieJeebies and it is called ZoneAlarm. ZoneAlarm is an AnitivirusSoftware that has a Firewall, and protects you from hackers, viruses, plus more. They have a version that adds extra protection for FaceBook.
Its absolutely free for private use. You can download it using following link:
2. Comodo Firewall
Comodo is another popular free firewall software for Windows. Its very lightweight program which comes with simple and easy to use interface.
Just like any other firewall.
You can download it using following link:
3. Outpost Security Suite Free
Outpost is another popular firewall company for Windows.
In past they used to release only firewall software for Windows but now they have replaced it with a complete security suite which can be downloaded absolutely free..
You can download it using following link:
4. Online Armor Free Firewall
Online Armor is another free firewall available for Windows.
It provides complete protection from inbound threats and control of data leaving your computer for the internet.
You can download it using following link:
5. Windows Firewall
If you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, you can use the built-in Windows firewall program. Windows XP and Vista firewall was not that great but Microsoft has greatly improved it in Windows 7 and Windows 8 OS. Windows Firewall is enabled by default and automatically monitors and blocks suspicious attacks.

